Utilization of Various Organic Wastes as Liquid Biofertilizer Carrier Agents towards Viability of Bacteria and Green Bean Growth
vermiwash, molasses, compost wash, seaweed, pathogenicity testAbstract
The problem in the production of biofertilizers is that raw materials are cheap, easy to get and apply. Another problem is determining the viability of the consortium microbes in a biofertilizer formulation. This study aims to determine the bacterial viability of various liquid media originating from organic waste as a liquid biofertilizer carrier. Three indigenous bacterial strains under consortium for phosphate soluble (Pantoea ananatis strain 53 (BC32)), non-symbiostic Nitrogen fixation (Bacillus licheniformis strain S45) and stabilizing soil aggregate (Pseudomonas plecoglossida
strain PR19) were added to liquid biofertilizer. The study evaluated 10 treatments using a randomized design with three replicates. The treatments are as follows: Peptone,
molasses, Compost wash from seaweed waste, Vermiwash, molasses + glycerol, compost wash from seaweed waste + glycerol, vermiwash + glycerol, molasses + PEG (PolyEthylene Glycols)1%, compost wash seaweed waste + PEG 1%, and Vermiwash + PEG 1%. This biofertilizer formulation (liquid) was kept for 16 weeks at optimum
pH 5.5. VP3 (Vermiwash made from vermicompost + PEG 1%) treatment showed the
best viability of bacterial strains during the 16-week storage period. The pathogenicity
test using green bean seeds Vima-1 showed that all liquid formulations of biological fertilizers with the three consortium bacterial isolates did not show signs of diseases and demonstrated better growth than the control treatment. Compared to other treatments, the best growth of bacterial strains was detected with MP2 (Molasses + glycerol) treatment. Formulations using vermiwash and PEG appear to maintain bacterial viability in the formulation effectively. However, the formulation of molasses and glycerol exerts a stimulating effect on sprouts growth.
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